DISCLAIMER: All assets traded on Energiswap are tokenized versions of the underlying asset that exist only on the Energi blockchain.


Energiswap Disclaimer

All tokens, coins, and assets (synthetic or otherwise), hereby referred to as “Assets”, traded on Energiswap must exist on the Energi blockchain. Assets that are not $NRG are synthetic or tokenized versions of the underlying asset. When purchasing or trading Assets on Energiswap, you are not purchasing the underlying asset. While every attempt has been made to ensure that the price of Assets on Energiswap are reflective of the current price of the underlying assets, Energi accepts no liability for deviations between the price of Assets on Energiswap and their underlying assets on other exchanges or marketplaces.

Energi and their employees and agents accept no liability for any loss or other damages incurred by users of the platform. Users are solely responsible for securing their assets. All information published on this website is not intended as financial advice and should not be taken as such. Any technical information on the website, while considered accurate at the time of publishing, is subject to change without notice.